Restaurant POS Systems Made for You

Every Restaurant is Different, So It’s Our Goal to Work Closely with You to Customize a Solution to Meet Your Needs

 Order by Table

Eliminate order errors with easy reference to each table’s information

 Sales Reports

Gain real-time visibility into your sales activity

 Kitchen Communication (Printer/KDS)

Streamline processes from the sales floor to the kitchen

 Tip Tracking

Never debate about who earned what

The Features You Need to Run Your Restaurant


Menu Programming with Modifiers

Servers can easily and efficiently enter custom orders and send them to the kitchen.

Recipe Tracking

Build up recipes by ingredient to track inventory and food cost.

Menu Populated with Pictures

Decrease order errors with graphical “quick” keys for popular menu items. Customer satisfaction levels will soar when orders are placed quickly and accurately.

Reservation/Host Functions

Streamline your booking process to eliminate long wait times for your customers and enable more customer engagement.


Call Us at (718)-565-6063

Let Us Customize a System for Your Restaurant

Is your restaurant POS software tested and proven?
Our restaurant POS software is trusted by over 80,000 restaurants and has the features and flexibility to meet a variety of needs.

Can you import my menu into your restaurant POS system?
Yes we can. With custom menu programming, your restaurant POS system will be ready to use the day it arrives.

What hardware comes with your standard restaurant POS system?
Our standard restaurant point of sale includes a touchscreen POS terminal, cash drawer, receipt printer, and kitchen printer. We only sell ruggedized POS hardware designed to meet the strenuous demands of busy restaurants.

What about tablets? Can the wait staff use tablets with your restaurant POS system?
Yes. Although we don’t sell Apple iPads, our restaurant POS software works on HP ElitePads running Windows 8. Your wait staff can quickly and easily take orders on tablets and immediately translate them to the kitchen.

How does your POS transmit orders to the kitchen?
Our restaurant POS system can transmit orders to the kitchen in two ways. First, the POS can use networked printers to print tickets to the kitchen. Second, your point of sale can use a kitchen display system, or KDS, to display orders on a monitor.

Can your restaurant point of sale transmit different menu items to different kitchen printers?
Yes. You can route any menu item to any kitchen printer. For example, appetizers can be sent to the appetizer station and so forth.
Standard System
Our standard restaurant point of sale system includes:
Equipment1 Equipment2 Equipment3 Equipment4 Equipment6
Most Common Upgrades
Equipment14 Equipment13 Equipment6

tableTable Ordering and Management

One of the flagship features of our restaurant POS software is table ordering and management. Easily see what tables are open and which ones are occupied. The server's name and length of time each customer has been at their table are posted on every filled table. Access occupied tables to add to their order as the guests' dinner progresses.

Aldelo-Screens-non-template-check-splitSplit Checks

Splitting checks is fast and easy. Use the touchscreen to divide up orders, and split a check as many ways as needed to accommodate your customers. For large groups, order by seat number to keep the entire group on individual tickets. The quicker checks are divided up and closed out, the faster your business will turn over tables.

Manage Inventory and Food CostManage Inventory and Food Cost

Calculating accurate food costs for prepared meals is critical to understanding the profitability of your restaurant. Detailed recipe management tracks inventory with each serving. For example, each time a hamburger is ordered, two buns, a quarter pound of beef, and a slice of cheese is not only deducted from your inventory, but the cost of the individual items is summed and included as cost of goods sold on your P&L. Stop wasting time calculating the costs of your dishes by hand. And with inventory reporting and control, make sure your raw inventory is going into the business, and not out the back

Track Bar TabsTrack Bar Tabs

Increase your sales (and profitability) by expanding your bar and alcohol business. With the bar tab feature, pre-authorize credit cards so collecting payment is a breeze, and feel at ease because you won't be responsible for a stack of credit cards sitting behind the bar any longer. Track customers by name or even physical description for when the bar is so loud you can't hear the guy yelling three feet in front of you, or if the name is so strange that you just have to go with "man in red shirt". Add tips, settle up, and move on to serving the next customer.

Aldelo-Screens-non-template-ReservationsTake Reservations

Hostess features are standard with our restaurant software. Book tables with the customer's name, date and time, party size, additional notes, and more.

Aldelo-Screens-non-template-tipsTip Tracking

Tip tracking is a vital part of any restaurant business, so the system you choose needs to be able to do this without fail. Accurate and easy tip tracking is imperative to maintaining a happy and reliable wait staff. Each ticket gives the user an opportunity to add a tip before it's closed, and cash tips can be reported at clock-out.Track tips by server so there's never any question as to who is owed what.

Forced and Optional ModifiersForced and Optional Modifiers

Modifiers give you the ability to customize orders by adding specific toppings, sides, or special preparations instructions. Forced modifiers are also a great way to structure order entry so the wait staff never forgets to communicate particulars of the order to the kitchen. For example, if a hamburger is ordered, forced modifiers might include medium, medium-well, or well done while optional modifiers might include extra ketchup, lettuce, and bacon.